

Friday, June 24, 2011

Blood Work Results

As anticipated, Stella's blood work came back completely normal.  Hooray :)

She will see the oncologist in 3 months for her 2nd check-up.  We are to bring Stella back sooner if we notice any new lumps or bumps.

Keeping our fingers crossed...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

1st Check-up & Blood Work

Met with the oncologist today for Stella's first post treatment check-up.  The oncologist said that Stella looks great and has healed nicely; we can discontinue the Neosporin.  Dr. F. also confirmed that the blackness of the treatment site is indeed due to the radiation.  We asked if the hair in this area will grow back and she stated we would have to wait and see. 

Routine blood work was performed as a precaution since Stella's had 20 rounds of anesthesia.  We will know the results tomorrow, although they do not anticipate any abnormalities.

In person, Stella's skin looks much darker than this.
Amazing that the original surgical scar is hardly visible.

Friday, June 17, 2011

3 Weeks Post Treatments

Stella is completely healed now.  We continue to apply the Neosporin even though we really don't think we need to any longer.  She has a check-up with the oncologist next week and we will ask if we can discontinue. 

Stella's skin in the treatment area has turned really dark.  It is also super smooth like leather and the hair has not started to grow back yet.  Touching the area  does not bother her in the least.

As I've said all along, Stella continues to be her usual fun and loving self.  She doesn't seem to have been emotionally affected at all by this whole process - except that she really misses riding in the car everyday!

What a good girl - back to doing her chores!

Monday, June 6, 2011

10 Days Post Treatments

Stella continues to amaze us with her seemingly effortless recovery.  We have stopped giving her the oral pain meds (Gabapentin & Tramadol) as it is clear to us she no longer needs them.  We continue to apply Neosporin ointment to her arm twice a day - without her flinching.  As you can see from the pictures she has healed nicely.  Just a week ago the area was red and raw.

Yesterday was my birthday.  What better gift could I have asked for than my Stella healed and healthy once again?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Post Radiation Burn Care - Appointment # 2

7 days post radiation treatments. 

Stella had her second burn treatment this morning; the radiation therapist cleaned and debrided the area of more dead tissue.  As with the first burn care appointment, anesthesia was not used.  The radiation therapist said the burn is healing nicely; it has also turned from red to pink.   Instead of the SSD cream we are to apply Neosporin 2-3 times a day.  Oh boy, she's going to make everything in the house greasy! 

We were told to start weaning Stella off of the oral pain meds.  We will give them to her just once day for the next few days and then discontinue.  This evening we applied the Neosporin and was surprised that Stella did not try to run away; she did not appear to have any pain.  :)

The radiation therapist stated that Stella's burn care is complete.  We are to make an appointment with the Oncologist in 2-3 weeks for a check-up and routine blood tests.  As stated in a previous post, the blood tests are just a precaution because Stella had 20 rounds of anesthesia this past month.

The report for today states: "We clipped the hair from the radiation treatment site and cleaned the area with dilute Nolvasan.  Stella's elbow is healing great!  You may start to wean Stella off of the Gabapentin and Tramadol".

Thursday, June 2, 2011

6 Days Post Treatments

We have been giving Stella the oral pain meds (Gabapentin & Tramadol) twice a day and she does not seem to have too much discomfort except when we touch her wound to apply the SSD cream and, apparently, if she lays on that side.  She has been adjusting her sleeping positions to stay on the opposite side.  It takes a while for Stella to lay down as she tries to figure out what position would feel the best but she eventually manages to plop down with her right arm sticking out.

Tomorrow Stella goes for her second burn care appointment.

I try to take a pic in this position at the same time everyday outside.
This pic was taken a little later than usual so the lighting is different.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5 Days Post Treatments

The burn area of Stella's arm is definitely sensitive.  When we the apply the SSD cream, using a light hand and gentle dabbing motion, she pulls her arm back and tries to run away.  Once finished she doesn't seem to be bothered by it except that last night she made a point of not laying on that side. 

It is apparent that more skin must have sloughed off by itself; you can compare the pics from yesterday's post.

We hope it's not as painful as it looks.  :(