

Monday, December 8, 2014

Stella Loses Her Feline Sister

Today was a sad day - we had to have our 21 year old cat euthanized.

For almost 20 years this wonderful little girl stayed at my side and took care of me through the loss of 5 dogs, a cat, my brother, my sister and most recently my mother. She died 4 weeks to the day that my mother passed, the absolute worst day of my life - I really feel she hung on these final weeks to comfort me as she always did.

Meanwhile Stella, Betty and our new dog Hattie, although they didn't have a lot of interaction with her, must have known the end was near because they didn't bother her once these last few weeks, letting her rest quietly in her heated bed.

We had her in our own home kitty hospice the past few weeks and in the end this amazing creature even made her last day easier for us, telling us it was time to go. 

She was purrfect in every way......right up to the end.


Friday, October 31, 2014

4th MCT - Where Are The Photos?

I apologize for not providing photos of Stella's 4th Mast Cell Tumor.  I was having problems with both my phone and my camera and the pics were somehow deleted - ahhh technology.

I don't think much would have shown up in photos anyway because this 4th tumor was not really visible.  We felt it while giving her a bath but could not see it.  It was just by chance that we were able to somehow feel this small jelly-like thing under her fur.

Here are some fun Halloween pics of Stella and Betty.  Stella is wearing the witch's hat.  You can see in the first pic the healing surgical area from her most recent surgery.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Yes - Mast cell Tumor #4

Stella's results came back positive for a 4th MCT..........BUT the vet was somehow able to get clean margins so no further treatment is needed!!

This is indeed a relief but still makes us uneasy that her body keeps producing them.

We'll try not to think about it and just keep letting her live her best life......we are grateful.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mast Cell Tumor #4??

This past weekend while giving the dogs a bath we felt a bump under Stella's fur on her right front outer wrist area. This is the same leg where she had the first 2 MCT's removed.

Today Stella had surgery with our regular vet to remove the bump so it can be sent out for pathology.  Dr. A believes this is more than likely another tumor so once again we wait and see what the results are.

What if this is yet another tumor?  How on earth will the vet be able to get clean margins from such a small and bony area? 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Post Treatment Annual Ultrasound #3

Stella had her annual abdominal ultrasound today.  Although there was no specific post last year for her second abdominal ultrasound, one was performed by the Neurologist when her seizure issues began in June (2013).

Results came back unchanged from August 2012!  Diagnosis reads (in part): the previously seen hyperechoic left liver nodule is unchanged measuring 0.4cm.......the remaining abdominal structures are normal.

As a reminder, if the Oncologist found any MCT's on Stella's internal organs the plan of action would be to start chemotherapy immediately - which would consist of oral pills for her lifetime.

We are to follow-up with the Oncologist in one year unless we need her otherwise.

Incidentally, we celebrated Stella's 10th birthday a few days ago!!!  I apologize for not posting updated pictures....we've had A LOT going on in our personal lives.  Suffice it to say she got plenty of treats and kisses!  :)

*This appointment is the first time we've been back at the specialty hospital since the communication breakdown with their Neurologist that lead us to get a second opinion and subsequent transfer of treatment to a second Neurologist (at a different facility) for Stella's seizure issues.  As I stated in my post "My Opinion on Second Opinions" there was no awkwardness returning to the specialty hospital and we (and Stella) were treated just fine.  Stella's Oncologist is a professional and just wants what's best for her and wants us to be comfortable with her treatment.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stella Gets Another Sister

Have we lost our minds??  On May 3, we adopted another dog from a rescue organization.  Her name is Hattie and she is a Teacup Chihuahua/Pug mix.  They estimate she is about one year old and, at 5lbs, full grown!

Although she appears to be the cutest, daintiest, sweetest little pup let me tell you she is the feistiest dog we have ever adopted!! As with any new pet we will all learn as we go - she will learn obedience from us (hopefully) and we will learn what her boundaries are.  One thing we know for sure already is that her temperament is more cat-like than dog.   Everyone's inclination, based on her tiny appearance, is to scoop her up (which you can do with one hand) and cuddle her and carry her around.  N-O-P-E, she will not have it.  She wants what she wants when she wants it and that's all. Tiny dog, HUGE personality.

Hopefully Stella and Betty will warm up to her - right now, they are none to happy having this Tasmanian devil spitfire of sharp teeth running around.  However Hattie has figured out already to not mess with the cat!

I know the pictures are adorable - don't be fooled!!

Hattie wears a cat collar and cat harness because even the smallest dog size was too big for her!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Winter Fun

Stella (in back) and Betty having fun on a winter's day.....

...and then cuddling to get warm.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Neurologist Re-check #3

Stella's condition remains stable.  She continues to take her seizure medication (Levetiracetam 250mg, 3x a day) and has not had another seizure to our knowledge since she started on them.  She remains happy and healthy and spoiled!

Re-check in ONE YEAR!!!