

Friday, October 31, 2014

4th MCT - Where Are The Photos?

I apologize for not providing photos of Stella's 4th Mast Cell Tumor.  I was having problems with both my phone and my camera and the pics were somehow deleted - ahhh technology.

I don't think much would have shown up in photos anyway because this 4th tumor was not really visible.  We felt it while giving her a bath but could not see it.  It was just by chance that we were able to somehow feel this small jelly-like thing under her fur.

Here are some fun Halloween pics of Stella and Betty.  Stella is wearing the witch's hat.  You can see in the first pic the healing surgical area from her most recent surgery.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Yes - Mast cell Tumor #4

Stella's results came back positive for a 4th MCT..........BUT the vet was somehow able to get clean margins so no further treatment is needed!!

This is indeed a relief but still makes us uneasy that her body keeps producing them.

We'll try not to think about it and just keep letting her live her best life......we are grateful.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mast Cell Tumor #4??

This past weekend while giving the dogs a bath we felt a bump under Stella's fur on her right front outer wrist area. This is the same leg where she had the first 2 MCT's removed.

Today Stella had surgery with our regular vet to remove the bump so it can be sent out for pathology.  Dr. A believes this is more than likely another tumor so once again we wait and see what the results are.

What if this is yet another tumor?  How on earth will the vet be able to get clean margins from such a small and bony area?